
July 14, 2013

Prolog as a Templating Engine

Filed under: Prolog — Tags: , — Ceyhun Ciper @ 05:15

Prolog is a powerful templating engine; I use M4, T4 and StringTemplate, but I find it much more gratifying to use Prolog for code generation, because it is declarative and grammar-based.

Suppose you want to generate a list, e.g. [1 2]:

ns([]) –> [].
ns([N|Rest]) –> N, ” “, ns(Rest).
l(Ns) –> “[“, ns(Ns), “]”.

:- phrase(l([“1”, “2”]), S), format(“~s\n”, [S]).

The output is [1 2 ].

Maybe your data are in a database:

db(“1”). db(“2″).
ns([]) –> [].
ns([N|Rest]) –> N, ” “, ns(Rest).
l(Ns) –> “[“, ns(Ns), “]”.

:- bagof(N, db(N), Ns), phrase(l(Ns), S), format(“~s\n”, [S]).

Again, the output is [1 2 ].

This is the reverse process of parsing; we generate something based on the data in the Prolog fact database using DCGs. Even so, code generation is based on a formal grammar definition, instead of manual flow control.

A real-world example of this approach is the html_write library.

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