
May 8, 2011

Visual DGML

Filed under: DGML — Tags: — Ceyhun Ciper @ 20:58

Writing DGML by hand is hard; so I developed a Visual DGML designer.

The designer is a graphic DSL; here is how I use it to manage the project itself:


Upon save, you get a DGML graph added to your project (click to enlarge):


The links point to and open UML diagrams, documents, web pages, class diagrams and source code.

October 27, 2010

DGQL Tutorial

Filed under: DGML, DGQL — Tags: , — Ceyhun Ciper @ 17:24

This is a short tutorial on DGQL using Visual Studio 2010.

Pre-requisite: Understanding Directed Graph Query Language (DGQL)

Simplest query:


Create a ClassLibrary1 and add a text file (“Graph.dgql”) containing the above query to it; you will end-up with the following in “Architecture Explorer”:


Get the solution view:

+”Solution View”

Get all the elements of a solution (essentially, projects & solution folders):

+”Solution View”//


Get the class view:

+”Class View”

Get all the namespaces:

+”Class View”//


Select only “projects” in the solution:

+”Solution View”//

Select only “solution folders” in the solution:

+”Solution View”//

Get all “project folders” in “all projects” in the solution:

+”Solution View”//


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